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Termly Learning Overview


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.  As the autumn arrives, please ensure the children have joggers to keep warm.  It is only when it is raining hard that we cancel PE.  I am trying to encourage children that it is essential they bring in the correct equipment each day to help prepare them for secondary school next year, so we have a class policy of 3 strikes and then a consequence: if they forget their PE kit or Reading Records on 3 occasions, they may need to spend 5 minutes sharpening pencils! If your child finds their personal organisation particularly difficult, please let us know: we can give them extra reminders or have a timetable to help support them.

Could you please ensure that the children have correct PE kit in school at all times to enable them to take part in every session. This includes appropriate footwear. Please ensure the children have appropriate clothes if we have a sunny September and as the weather gets cooler. Earrings must be removed and long hair tied back.

Year 6 Librarians

We have asked the librarians to come up with at least 1 book review or recommendation to put in our reading area.

I have uploaded a template which they children can use, or they can create their own. Please ask them to then email it to the school who will then forward it to Miss Dowson.

A Few Reminders

The children should arrive in the classroom from 8.45am and they will be set quiet activities while before school begins at 8.50am with the register. Please ensure your child is in by this time. They will also need a water bottle in school, particularly on PE days.

Every day the children will need their reading record; (which will also contain their times tables or mental arithmetic) and their reading book.  These should be signed by you on a weekly basis. (As the children are older and we are trying to encourage their independence, reading records do not need to be signed daily.  We would expect the children to sign it and write how much they have read.) We would be very grateful if you could support us in this way.

Children have access to multiple sites which are there to support their learning: TT Rockstars; REN reading; Spelling Shed and Purple Mash.  They have all been given usernames and passwords and these are found in their Reading Records.  Please encourage them to use these excellent resources.

Mobile phones are a potential safeguarding risk and therefore children may not bring mobile phones to school. Phones must be handed in to the adult and switched on to silent. Other than to send a message to you saying that they have arrived safely, they should not be used on school grounds at all.  This is particularly pertinent in the morning.  

Year 6 children can walk home unaccompanied ONLY if we have received written confirmation.  Please inform the school office to give your consent.  Thank you.