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This term our topic is:

Screenshot 2022-09-08 102209

Termly Learning Overviews



We will be doing PE on a Wednesday and Friday.

Year 5 will also need to ensure they have their swimming kit on a Wednesday morning. 

Could you please ensure that the children have correct PE kit in school at all times to enable them to take part in every session. This includes appropriate footwear. Please ensure the children have appropriate clothes if we have a sunny September and as the weather gets cooler. Earrings must be removed and long hair tied back.

Parent helpers

If any of you are able to offer help on a regular basis, or even if you have a particular skill that you could offer on the odd occasion e.g cooking or reading, please let us know.

If you ever have any questions or concerns (or would just like an informal chat) please come and see any of us either before or after school, or contact us through the school office.

We look forward to working with your children this term.

 Many thanks