
The 2014 Science National Curriculum is followed from year 1-6 and the Early Years Foundations Stage Curriculum is followed in Nursery and Reception.
We aim to deliver a Science Curriculum which engages children and broadens their scientific understanding of the world around them. The children will explore different aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics through an enquiry approach. Children will develop working scientifically through a variety of enquiry types- such as; classifying and grouping, comparing, observing over time, comparative and fair test and researching- using hands on experience and secondary resources.
Science Curriculum Map
SEND in Science
We understand that every learner develops differently and adapt our provision continuously to ensure every child receives the correct balance of support and challenge in order to achieve their potential. We provide suitable learning opportunities for all children, including those who may be gifted and talented or have additional needs, by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. Each child is valued, respected and challenged regardless of ability, race, gender, religion, social background, culture or disability.