Computing and Online Safety
At St Mary's, our aim is to provide a high-quality computing education which is fully inclusive and accessible to every child. We aim to equip the children to become digitally literate in order to participate in the rapidly changing world.
We are very lucky at St Mary's to have access to lots of ICT in our school. We have Smartboards in each classroom to make our lessons interactive, cameras, computers in our computer suite, as well as laptops, ipads and Kindles within the school.
All of the above are helping us to learn new computing skills and become experts in our technology filled world. Please take a look at Online Safety at St Mary's, our Computing Curriculum, and some of the super work that we've produced in our computing lessons.
Our Computing Curriculum

Online Safety

Online Safety is an integral part of our Computing Curriculum. We believe that every child needs to be given the knowledge and strategies required to use technology effectively and responsibly. At St Mary's, we teach online safety at the beginning of each term to ensure the children are equipped with the tools to remain safe when they are online.
Our online safety teaching across the school covers:
- Privacy and Security
- Health and Well-being
- Online Bullying
- Online Relationships
- Online Reputation
- Self Image and Identity
- Managing Online Information
Parent Guidance for Online Safety
Parents should be clearly aware of the school’s policy of access to social networking sites. Where a disclosure of bullying is made, schools now have the duty to investigate and protect, even where the bullying originates outside the school. Parents must also understand that they are responsible for access to technology outside of school. If issues arise, parents must review their home security and access to technology.
Top tips:
- Use a 'safe search' search engine. - Set up filtering on your home internet.
- We learn about E-Safety as part of our Computing lessons, if children need to report inappropriate content they see online then they can visit the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
- CEOP also has a great website of information on E-Safety for parents
Useful Online Safety Websites and Links:
- TikTok: what parents need to know | Parent Info
- Online Safety for Children - Tips & Guides | NSPCC